Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They got my back (and yours too)....

I just watched some mindless drivel action movie...you know the ones where the guys are running through wherever with their guns and the one guy says to the other "I got your back"....and it got me thinking (please continue to follow along here) about a blog I was reading the other day.  It was a blog about a young Christian American family that took a leap of faith to come over here to live in Belgium.  I read about all their trials with their "it's not possible" Belgian bureaucrats and talking to three or four different people and getting a different version of what you are to do next (and even though the wife is an American, her husband is a Belgian citizen...guess that doesn't help him either apparently!).  So, it got me thinking....

As much as we....or speaking for myself, I....complain about things around here and it NOT being like the US and NOT being like Germany or anywhere else I've lived, we have the absolute certainty to know that our military spouse WILL have a job and that we DO have a support system here on SHAPE and Chievres Air Base.  We even have a team of military lawyers who give us "free" advice and translators at ACS and elsewhere that will translate our documents for free....plus all the services available on base.....our support network with our coworkers, not just from the US, but also from other NATO European countries....what is there ever to complain about?  AND we can even buy American products tax-free on base....we are spoiled.

This particular post I read on this blog really hit home for me and made me realize I'd better be thankful for what I have going on here AND to really look up to other Americans, over here on their own and doing their own thing too. 

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