Friday, September 3, 2010

Do Not PCS (Move) Without Visiting Military Duty Stations

This moving season just seemed busier than ever....maybe because I moved myself or that about half my friends moved to all four corners of the Earth (I always wondered what that expression really meant).  Wouldn't it be great to be able to talk to someone who is currently at your new duty station...just like they were an old friend?  If you're like me, there is always that unnecessary stress of the unknown when going somewhere new.  Here's how to get rid of that.

I can highly recommend Military Duty Stations.....not only because a friend runs the site, and I know she has the personality of someone who always likes to be ahead of the game herself, but because the site is a collection of first hand accounts from people who are located at military bases and posts around the world.  You won't find just Army, but also the other services as great is that?  Susanna also blogs about the topics that we are curious about....things that we want to ask someone or to research ourselves, but wouldn't it be nice if someone did it for us?

Ha!  So please bookmark Military Duty Stations and go say hello to Susanna and all the other military spouses she has at her site.  She just went over the 1,000th friend on FaceBook for Military Duty Stations, so she must be doing something right!

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